The Siglo I is a value-priced Cohiba cigar delivering a classic Cuban experience. It receives rave reviews all around the world, especially from people who are new to cigars. This Petit Corona delivers one hour of smoking bliss and is a great bridge cigar for people seeking an inexpensive way to upgrade their game.
Cohiba Siglo I Overview
This is a ring size 40 Petit Corona that was first manufactured in 1992 in honor of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas. Its 102 mm (4”) length uses a Colorado wrapper and is entirely made of Cuban-grown tobacco.
It is neither the thinnest nor the thickest of the Cohiba cigars available today, but it is the thinnest and shortest of the Siglo series. Most of the rest of the Siglo series are only a 42 or 43 ring gauge, so the difference in thickness is minimal.
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